Aria Marco

The inside scoop

Hi! I’m Aria! I am a graphic designer, librarian, and occasional juggler based in

During the last fourteen years after graduating from RISD, I have followed my
passions for visual storytelling and ironic wit. I’m naturally curious about the dark,
absurd, and complex sides of the human psyche, which has been an underlying
theme in my artwork and creative work since I was child. To this day, my trusty
friend Fortunato (a realistic replica of a human skull), is often the beloved subject
of my still life paintings. Some of my muses have been Edgar Allan Poe, Edward
Gorey, Terry Pratchett, Jason Froud, and Arthur Rackham. I am an old soul, and
love 20’s- 40’s jazz era music, dance, and fashion. I am eclectic when it comes to
the interests and hobbies I collect, and there is no rhyme or reason that might
predict what rabbit hole I will go down next. My latest fixation? I am fascinated by
the rapid evolution of Artificial Intelligence, and the questions of ethics and
progress that it provokes.

In 2016 I earned my Masters of Library and Information Science and Masters of
Art History degrees, both with 4.0 GPAs. My dissertation was about the surreal
nature of Contemporary Circus. I’m drawn to circus because it challenges the
expectations of how the world works. It also involves creativity, improvisation, and movement, all of which are elements that indirectly relate to my longtime study and practice of Lindy Hop and Blues dance.

At a very early age, I discovered an affinity for creating symbols and design
elements that communicate ideas and emotions, and represent concepts without
words. When I’m not working, I am constantly sketching and designing. I also
study how to use plants medicinally. I recently invented a concoction using
backyard weeds that works as an amazing insect repellent for my bug-bite prone
friends, and on a weekend you might find me brewing my own batch of beer with
homegrown hops, or spiced mead! Overall, I feel a deep connection with nature
and humanity, and that is a constant source of inspiration.

I am actively pursuing a career in Graphic Design. A dear friend and mentor reminded me that the skills I have gained in the various fields I have worked in are not isolated; there is a lot of value and power in the cross-pollination of skillsets. I quickly realized that my experience in design thinking, prototyping, cross-
functional collaboration, research, and data analysis is the perfect fit for a role in Graphic Design and Branding. While I have formal training in Graphic Design and Illustration, I am a self-taught UX designer, currently working on various freelance projects for entrepreneurs. I’m searching for a full time position in Graphic Design.

- Formal education in Illustration from the Rhode Island School of Design
- Experience working with various types of clients on brand identity projects
-Published thesis on Contemporary Circus Arts, one of my lifelong
passions and amateur pursuits
-Contributed to the El Techo de la Ballena archival project at the Museum
of Modern Art Library.
-Organized community art gallery opening event
-Designed and instructed a five week course in fine art. Community
participants were able to experience the process of creating a piece of art work
from start to finish and showing it in a gallery setting.
-Fell in love with books as physical objects when working as a book
mender at RISD, especially old, fragile, and obscure books.
-Earned Masters in Library and Information Science, following my love for
books and reading.

- Formal education in Illustration from the Rhode Island School of Design

- Experience working with various types of clients on brand identity projects

-Published thesis on Contemporary Circus Arts, one of my lifelong
passions and amateur pursuits

-Contributed to the El Techo de la Ballena archival project at the Museum
of Modern Art Library.

-Organized community art gallery opening event

-Designed and instructed a five week course in fine art. Community
participants were able to experience the process of creating a piece of art work
from start to finish and showing it in a gallery setting.

-Fell in love with books as physical objects when working as a book
mender at RISD, especially old, fragile, and obscure books.

-Earned Masters in Library and Information Science, following my love for
books and reading.